Living in the now has no past, living in the now has no future. It is only now. I tune into each person, thing feeling, etc that comes into my range of view. I try to distill the essence of what or who it is. This is not about psychic abilities, but more like walking a mile in another’s shoes. It is synchronizing my vibration with the other for a moment. In the moment. Each encounter is an adventure. When it feels good, I stay awhile and bask in the sunshine of the love that radiates from wherever it radiates from. Yes, I know there are wars going on, and hunger and pain and suffering. But in the moment all I see is the essence of each soul. And in the essence there is stillness. In the essence there is no war, or suffering, or pain, or hunger. There is only stillness. If we could all, everyone in this world, in just one moment be in stillness, there would be no war, no pain, no hunger and no suffering in this world, and maybe the moment could become timeless, and last into infinity. Then now would be forever. The past a distant memory, the future of no consequence. Only the now that stretches on and on, a journey of feelings, an adventure of being. Maybe in the now is true peace and oneness with all of creation, the essence of all that is.