Usually an acupuncture appointment begins with an inquiry. Either by phone or at an event, a potential patient will ask me if acupuncture would help them. Most people have some kind of pain or other physical or emotional issue that they are seeking help with.
At this point, I will ask for more information. A consultation or appointment will be set. At the initial consultation, I will take notes, ask lots of questions, look at you to see things like color of your skin, if your eyes are clear, weight, what the tongue looks like, the pulse, and so forth.
It is from this consultation that a diagnosis is formed. After I have a diagnosis, then I can proceed with a treatment plan. This usually involves acupuncture sessions. Sometimes cupping, moxibustion, or other modalities would be appropriate. We would discuss this together and come up with a plan of action. This plan consist of things like how many treatments I estimate it will take, how often you should come see me, or what kinds of things I will do in each session. This plan will evolve between the two of us, depending upon how serious the issue is, time constraints, how wiling you are to do what it takes to be well, finances, and other influences.
Most likely, acupuncture would begin immediately after the consultation. I will ask yo to lie down on the table, and I will go around you with the acupuncture needles, inserting them into acupuncture points. These needles are very small, usually 34 or 36 guage filliform(not hollow), and without a sharp point. These needles slide easily into your skin, causing very little sensation. I will twist or spin or manipulate the needles to obtain the qi. In most cases, this is not painful, or it will only hurt for a few seconds. After that, you are left in the room alone with soothing music to listen to. Often you will become very relaxed, although, there are energizing treatments as well as relaxing ones. The needles stay in place for anywhere from 20 to 40 minutes. Then I remove them and will either treat the other side of your body, or give you cupping or a few minutes of tuina(chinese massage), if appropriate.
When the session is over, you will get dressed, we will talk about what you can do to maximize your results, and how to take better care of your body. Then we will set up the next session, you will pay me, cash, check paypal, or bitcoin. Then off you go.....
This takes anywhere from about 45 minutes to an hour and a half. You can expect the first session to be closer to an hour and a half.
You can call or send me an e-mail to set up your 15 minute free consult to see how acupuncture can help you with your pain, acute injuries, chronic illness, or emotional issues.
At this point, I will ask for more information. A consultation or appointment will be set. At the initial consultation, I will take notes, ask lots of questions, look at you to see things like color of your skin, if your eyes are clear, weight, what the tongue looks like, the pulse, and so forth.
It is from this consultation that a diagnosis is formed. After I have a diagnosis, then I can proceed with a treatment plan. This usually involves acupuncture sessions. Sometimes cupping, moxibustion, or other modalities would be appropriate. We would discuss this together and come up with a plan of action. This plan consist of things like how many treatments I estimate it will take, how often you should come see me, or what kinds of things I will do in each session. This plan will evolve between the two of us, depending upon how serious the issue is, time constraints, how wiling you are to do what it takes to be well, finances, and other influences.
Most likely, acupuncture would begin immediately after the consultation. I will ask yo to lie down on the table, and I will go around you with the acupuncture needles, inserting them into acupuncture points. These needles are very small, usually 34 or 36 guage filliform(not hollow), and without a sharp point. These needles slide easily into your skin, causing very little sensation. I will twist or spin or manipulate the needles to obtain the qi. In most cases, this is not painful, or it will only hurt for a few seconds. After that, you are left in the room alone with soothing music to listen to. Often you will become very relaxed, although, there are energizing treatments as well as relaxing ones. The needles stay in place for anywhere from 20 to 40 minutes. Then I remove them and will either treat the other side of your body, or give you cupping or a few minutes of tuina(chinese massage), if appropriate.
When the session is over, you will get dressed, we will talk about what you can do to maximize your results, and how to take better care of your body. Then we will set up the next session, you will pay me, cash, check paypal, or bitcoin. Then off you go.....
This takes anywhere from about 45 minutes to an hour and a half. You can expect the first session to be closer to an hour and a half.
You can call or send me an e-mail to set up your 15 minute free consult to see how acupuncture can help you with your pain, acute injuries, chronic illness, or emotional issues.